Discover what happened in the past here at San Luigi!
Use the menu below to discover the main activities that were held since the association was established. This list is not comprehensive, as some activities are fragmented throughout the year or some others are proposed as parts of a flagship project.
LC1 – LC2
We have worked hard to allow the colorful collaboration among all project managers and members. We
keep contact with different FMOs around Europe and the EMSA European Board.
– Board/projects reorganization
– Website restructuring and update
– Mailing system for the board
– Automated and unique certificates of activity
– EMSA Turin discord server
SuTurin Project
The realization of this project came from the need and will of students to learn basic surgical skills that are
unfortunately not taught at our institution.
The project was constructed by motivated students, who are aspiring surgeons, with the help of a Surgery
Professor of our university. We have prepared a lecture divided in two parts. First the theory behind wounds
and sutures are taught, then a demonstration of basic sutures on a silicone pad takes place. On a second
day, we encourage to practice the learned sutures on a pig or chicken leg.
Surgical skills are essential to any medical doctor and as any other skill “practice makes perfect”. We believe
strongly in the peer-to-peer education as it allows students to not only practice themselves but to teach
these techniques to other fellow students. Thus, with our professor we have trained students of the 5th and
6th year with the goal of tutoring their younger peers. In this way we wish to create a system that will
sustain itself: the students of today will be the tutors of tomorrow.